Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Living Life with Integrity

A lie is an insidious thing. They usually start out small. Something so small that it may even be considered inconsequential.However a lie is like a seed, once planted it starts to grow. And this particular seed plants roots that grow deep, and they choke off life with every day they are left unchecked. You can lie to more than just other people too, it is the worst lie, a lie to yourself.

"By a lie, a man... annihilates his dignity as a man." -Immanuel Kant

Do you remember the scenes from old movies and shows where two people would seal a deal with a handshake? Where people said a man was only as good as his word? What happened to those days? These days friends betray friends, promises are taken with a grain of salt, and a business deal would NEVER be done without legal paperwork. The selfish motivations of people in society  cause them to live lives of dishonesty and distrust. How many times have you had arrangements with a friend of yours only to have it broken? How many times have you been the one not keeping your word? 

Your quality of life suffers greatly when you are living a life without integrity. When people can not trust you, you lose their respect. When you lie to yourself, you are disrespecting yourself. If you believe in something and do not live it you are being dishonest. One of the great things about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said! There is no tangled web of deceit that you need to navigate. Having the complete trust of others and in yourself is empowering. When people know your word is good they trust you more. This can strengthen friendships, relationships, your career life, faith, etc. 
A life of integrity is a life of fulfillment and rewards. It may not be pleasant to always live this way, but I promise you that the temporary uncomfortableness, is less than the pain of a life of lies. It also gets easier and more rewarding with every day you live honestly!

It is never too late to be what we might have been.
 ~George Eliot
Take charge today! It is never to late to make the changes in your life that you want. It is never to late to start anew. Start living with integrity today.

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