Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Power of Now

"Everyone has the power to impact the outcome of his life. The way to do it is to focus on today...Today is the only time you have. It's too late for yesterday. And you can't depend on tomorrow."  ~John C. Maxwell

A life with big dreams but no actions is like having a sports car with 700 horsepower but having no gas in the tank. Lots of potential, but you aren't going to be going anywhere. Our dreaming  is something that is a part of us as people. Our wish for a better tomorrow, a brighter future, an improvement in our quality of life. If you ask anybody you meet how they see their circumstances 5 years from today they will inevitably tell you they will be better. When you ask them how they plan on making this dream come true however, you will often be greeted with a stammered half though out explanation with a weak plan of action.

Why else would people be so dismissive when they label people as "dreamers", or say that they have their "heads in the clouds". It is because there is no plan in in place to make the dream come true! Actions and plans are the gas that will fill up our proverbial cars and get us moving where we want to go. So how do you put a plan together to reach the lofty dreams that most of us possess. It is all about taking the first steps today. It is about building a foundation of small victories today that will lead to great success tomorrow.  "Every great journey starts the same way, with one step." ~E.R. Ames 

By beginning to work towards your dream today, you are forging a stronger will and commitment to the idea. You are starting to put in place a powerful realization in your mind. That you ARE capable of achieving your dreams, that obstacles that are in your way can be conquered, that regardless of the price you pay now the reward at the end of your journey will be all the greater for it.  "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other thing" ~Abraham Lincoln.

The power of now is the power to no longer procrastinate. It is the power to manifest your dreams in reality. It is a power that is available to everyone provided they break the mindset of "tomorrow and impossible" and instead embrace "today and achievable" . "Most people don't lead their own lives-- they accept their lives." ~John Kotter. Break the cycle TODAY, take action NOW, and turn your DREAMS into REALITY! You CAN do it and all it takes is for you to take that first step. Are you ready?