Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Power of Lending Your Hand and Heart

"Never look down on anybody unless you are helping him up." ~Jesse Jackson

When you see someone in need, what is your first reaction? Do you instinctively look down on them because they are less fortunate than you? When you see a homeless person begging do you roll your eyes and get angry that they are asking for help? When your friends come to you with their emotional baggage do you tell them to leave it outside? Or do you help them unpack it and put it away?

The truth is that everyone in this world has been broken at some point in their life. Some, just a little. Others, have been broken completely. The ability to put it all back together is based in large part, to those that are there to help you. People are always making statements about what separates us humans from animals. Whether it be self awareness, our higher thought processes, tool using ability, etc. One thing that MANY animals do instinctively is to demonstrate altruism to other animals. They care for the young, injured, and hungry without thought to themselves. How many human beings can you say this of? Isn't this a trait that should be instinctively human? Something we should not only aspire to, but in fact practice daily in our lives.

The greatest rewards that I have ever received have been from helping others. The saying that "The more you give, the more you receive." has found a new meaning in my life. If you have followed this blog then you are aware that my life has gone through something of a transformation this past year. I have shed my old life like a robe and stepped into a new one full of life, vigor, love, and satisfaction. One of the facets of my new life that I am fully embracing is being there for others. So many people do not have a place to turn anymore. They have no idea how they got where they are and no idea how to get out of it. From experiences with society and others they have come to expect nothing but cynicism and disregard from others. Can you imagine how amazing it would feel to have someone show a genuine interest in your well being?  The emotional reward of helping someone succeed is beyond description. It is pure joy.

Now, you may not be the one needing help. You may need help, but it may not be as desperate of a situation as others. No matter, you are important and a player in this equation. A question I often hear and one I have asked myself is "Why does God let people suffer?". I asked myself this question and never received an answer that I was happy with. This is one reason that for a while I became an atheist. Then the answer came to me when I found God again. He is not making them suffer, we are. We have so much to give and yet many of us are so selfish with our time and materials. If you do not believe that YOU are meant to help those that are less fortunate well then I am sorry to say, YOU ARE WRONG. Every one of us has an obligation AND ability to help those around us. Use your talents, sometimes it is as simple and listening to someone.

I have been blessed in numerous ways and I directly correlate that with living a life that is full of service for others. Imagine the power and difference that one person can make. Now imagine a world full of like minded individuals. Giving of yourself is one of the noblest and most rewarding things that you can do.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. " ~Mohandas Ghandi

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